Stop Climate Chaos Scotland

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland is the devolved Scottish equivalent of Stop Climate Chaos UK. It is a coalition formed by trade unions, environmental and international development organisations, faith and other groups to campaign for government action on climate change, and was launched in September 2005. The co-ordinator is Ruth Dawkins and the Chair is Mike Robinson.

Its aim is to ensure that world leaders act so that greenhouse gas emissions are falling irreversibly by 2015, keeping average global temperature increase to under 2°C (3.6°F).

Following a UK Coalition launch in September 2005, a Scottish co-ordinator was appointed in July 2006.

The coalition’s first major activity was in Autumn 2006, when it held a series of public lectures at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 16 events ran over a fortnight, with speakers including George Monbiot, Aubrey Meyer, Mayer Hillman, Mark Lynas, James Curran, David Reay, Fred Pearce and Martin Parry.

Since then, the coalition has hosted speakers such as Chris Goodall, Kevin Anderson of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, and environmental photographer Mark Edwards.

They currently provide secretariat support for the Cross Party Group on Climate Change in the Scottish Parliament.

In April 2008, more than 20,000 of the coalition’s supporters responded to a Scottish Government consultation on a Scottish Climate Change Bill. Throughout Spring 2008 the coalition has been running a media partnership with the Sunday Herald newspaper.

As of June 2008, the coalition represents more than 1.5 million people through its member organisations.

Member organisations

See also Stop Climate Chaos (UK) Members.

See also

External links